We’re happy to answer any questions you have or resolve any issues that arise. Consult our user manuals and FAQs for in-depth information on Qvido use and for answers to commonly asked questions.
If you have any further questions, just send us a mail.
An excellent resource if you're just getting started with Qvido. The manual is full of detailed information and tips that will help you get the best results every time.
What device and operating system do I need to run Qvido?
To run the Qvido app you’ll need an iPad starting from the 6th to 10th generation and the latest stable major release of iOS and later. Currently, that’s iOS 16. Support for new versions of iOS will be available within 90 days of the official release.
Is an additional measurement with a pupillometer necessary?
No, this isn’t necessary. As long as you perform the quality check by marking the optical center of the lenses and varifying with the customer, you will receive accurate results.
Should the customer look right into the camera?
Yes, the customer should look directly into the camera. This means that the tablet will be slightly off-center because the camera is located in the top left corner.
Don’t worry about convergence, the app corrects for that.